Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Taur Matan Ruak kicks off his campaign in Comoro, Dili

Taur Matan Ruak (TMR), ex-FALINTIL and F-FDTL commander, commenced his campaign for president in Comoro, Dili, Wednesday 29 February. Just a few photos for now:


And they're off...

Yesterday. eve of the presidential campaign. Candidates attended a ceremony where they signed an agreement to run a peaceful campaign. This was followed by a debate. Not really a debate though, more of a Q and A of each of the candidates.

PM Xanana Gusmao

Lia Nain sira ne'e

During the signing of the peace pact, thirteen Lia Nain (keepers of the word - my translation might be wrong) observed this event. These men hold a very important traditional role in conflict resolution and maintaining balance in society.

Highlights included the power going out, which didn't stop the candidate giving his speech from ranting on. Manuel Tilman is a bit of a character and proved a constant source of entertainment throughout.

President Jose Ramos Horta

The man in uniform is the Commander of the F-FDTL, Major General Lere Anan Timur,  the man in the suit is Jose Luis Guterres

Jose Luis Guterres (LuGu) loves beetlenut evidently. Each candidate would arise and sign the peace pact, then chew on some beetlenut. Not JLG. He just went straight for the beetlenut and forgot to sign the pact. They got him back to sign it eventually. Either this guy had no intention of running a clean campaign or he loves beetlenut.

Manuel Tilman
Each candidate was introduced to the crowd, with the MC giving a short (read 5 min) bio. At least two of the candidates were in disagreement with what was being said. Better check you facts before you introduce presidential candiates. The cameras were projecting on tvs all around the centre so people at the back could see what was happening. The candidates who were unhappy with their bios were visibly shaking their heads.

The debate. From left to right: Rogerio Lobato, Angelita Pires, Jose Ramos Horta, Francisco Gomes, and Jose Luis Guterres
 These tvs proved a further source of entertainment later on when candidates were giving their little speeches. On several occasions prominent members were caught out lookig completely disinterested or bored, including the PM, while listening to certain candidates speeches. Hilarious.

I might write some more notes reflecting on some of the substantive issues that arose during this event soon. Gotta get to the rally I went to Wednesday morning.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dr. Strangeblog (or how I learned to stop worrying and love mozzies)

Dengue. Well, I will find out soon I guess, but I have two friends here who have been unwell, possibly feverish, and of course my initial suspicion is Dengue. I’ve personally started to get less obsessed with it. Doing my best to protect myself and trying not to worry about it. I really hope that C. and A. aren’t seriously ill and that they recover quickly. It is quite a serious outbreak – it may be just the rainy season, though people are really making a big deal of it. What is clear is that politicians aren’t slow to pick up on such issues and politicize it. The current coalition government here, led by CNRT – Xanana’s party – has been targeted by one of the Presidential candidates over the Dengue outbreak. Accusations of incompetency and indifference have begun to fly. Now, I don’t know much about the details of mozzies, dengue fever and public health, so I won’t comment on whether this criticism is fair or not at this stage. I am not surprised this criticism has emerged, particularly given it’s an election year and anything will be used as a political weapon. What interests me is the narratives and arguments being developed and deployed during the campaign. Public health is a critical question in Timor-Leste and I will follow with interest how this debate develops, and whether there is anything of substance to the criticism or not.
Things will start kicking off officially for the campaigning of the first round of the presidential elections. On Wednesday. A matter of interest is the amount of energy and focus these polls have considering the fairly weak powers and role of the president. While the president has some powers that make them more than a symbol – which in and of itself is not to be ignored, symbols do matter – most of the power in the state resides in the executive. The parliament is pretty weak in relation to the executive as well. The executive, featuring a cabinet – unelected, appointed by the PM – is the dominate body of the state. Its ability to issue decrees through the council of minister is considerable. The council of ministers is a cross section of representatives from the parties who are in partnership or coalition with the government who is led by CNRT. That is by Xanana Gusmao. This guy is the real boss. The degree to which personalities dominate over parties is becoming a very consistent theme here.
I have mornings when I wake up unable to stop thinking about my research. I fear I am unprepared, that I won’t get anything, that this will be a waste of time. I don’t think there is any real substance to these fears. I am my own worst critic and I need to avoid putting pressure on myself. I will do interviews – I don’t know who I will access and speak to, but I will do my best. I am tracking the campaign in the media and I am on a regular basis cataloguing the articles in the print media. Anything beyond that will be a bonus. I feel that just living here, in Dili for most of the time, but also in some of the other districts as well, means that I am a participant observer here, I am living the campaign everyday. I cannot escape it. I hear stories, have informal conversations and I am becoming more attuned with what is going on. I don’t pretend I really know what’s going on, the complexity of the situation is well above my comprehension, particularly as this is my first trip here and it’s not even a month. But everyday I learn a little more about some aspects of something. Now, this may turn out to be a dead end but that is in itself a part of the journey here.
Final thoughts: Did I mention person unknown threw a Molotov cocktail at the electoral commission and a UN vehicle. All sorts of conspiracy theories abound presently. For some, it a plot to keep the UN here,  for financial reasons mainly. The withdrawal of the UN here would have repercussions for businesses in Dili. All those bars, clubs, restaurants, hotels etc are facing tough time next year if the UNMIT mission leaves. Tourism is key here I think in filling this gap. For others, the police themselves are involved in the attacks. They want t create a climate of fear, put people in a state of anxiety in order to access more resources and establish their role. Or it could be people unhappy about the removal of one of the candidates from the polls. Angela Freitas was declared ineligible to run, something to do with not fulfilling requirements for getting enough signatures of support. Her office was also sacked and sensitive documents removed according to her campaign. It’s an opaque situation, and I’m sure more will occur in the future that will astound and perplex people. Hopefully not involving violence but I am not confident. The leader of the PNTL has come out and said the police are prepared to shoot if people are causing trouble. He has been roundly criticised many in civil society. It is a worrying statement.
Okay, really, finally. Tango. Yes, I am learning to Tango. Thursday nights. Last week was my first lesson. Arrived early and saw the PM wandering around with his mates checking out the roads. Very casual. Unfortunately my camera phone decided to stop working. I swear.
Ate Amanha, Maun Evan

Rock the Cazbar

Rock the Cazbar
Brunch on the beach at Areia Branca with a few peoples. Amazing French Toast and decent coffee at the Caz Bar. Love the name of the place. Completely packed out on Sunday (on the beach anyway):


Went Saturday and it was much quieter. Reckon that’s the time to go and read a book and go for a swim. Starting to establish a decent social life here. Hanging out a lot with the Aussie and UN volunteers here for the most part. Danger – note to self – need to balance this out. Thinking that as things heat up during the elections and I will hopefully be doing my fieldwork, I will need to dedicate a lot of time during the week, probably at home because there are very few distractions. Maintaining a friendship network is important but I am here primarily for work so that will be number one at the end of the day. I can totally get work done at home, I can make it comfortable with AC and have access to coffee and food. I even have a fridge. Cheese, hurrah! Will keep the entertainment area, with a BBQ, for weekends.
House PhD
I’m a sucker for cultural reference points and – though I am getting ahead of myself – I thought I would incorporate my new residence into the broader project of completing my doctorate. I hope to make substantive progress in achieving this goal in this house.
The Austraining security person came by yesterday to take a look at the place. He checked it out and seemed quite satisfied with it. I could barricade myself in here easily and wait for the cavalry to arrive if necessary. I also have a choice of three road to make good my escape. I took a few photos of the place from the inside and outside:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Well, I finally moved last night. Photos to come very shortly. Noticed my first mosquito bite yesterday evening. If I’ve got a temperature tomorrow or Thursday morning, I’ll be in trouble. Gotta stay positive. I’ll be fine.
The internet access is not great outside of work so I’ve decided I’ll do my internet stuff in the morning. It takes up a fair chunk of time but it is important. I’ll make up for it by doing reading, writing, and other non-internet related stuff from home after office hours.
Shopping for the new place today. The cupboard, and fridge, were very bare. Fruit and yoghurt will be a good start. (and gin and tonic water – will have to drink plenty of it to assist my struggle against malaria). Purely for medicinal purposes only I swear.
Back to work.
Obrigado, Maun Evan
Monday, 20 February 2012
Holiday today. Not a public holiday mind you. Just at the Asia Foundation. Must be an American public holiday, presidents day? Feels weird that the office would be closed for a holiday in another country. Should try that at work next time. I am a US citizen so I’ll take the 4th of July off, have a BBQ and set off some fireworks. Don’t think that will go down too well in Canberra.
So, the office was closed and Jose, who was giving me a lift, had to go to work. Serendipitously, his office is located quite close to the CAVR museum. CAVR – Comissao de Acolhimento, Verdade e Reconcilacao – the Accountability, Truth and Reconciliation Commission was set up to record the human rights violations of the Indonesian occupation, and pursue justice and reconciliation between victims and perpetrators (in a nutshell). I’ll have to go back with my camera but it was a very worthwhile experience. The museum was established in a former prison where people were detained and tortured. The presentation of the history of the occupation is quite detailed and is accompanied with some very vivid photographs. Went into an area which used to contain cells for prisoners. It was very dark, small and unsettling. A very power and slightly frightening experience.
I feel like I am still waiting for things to really kick off. Both for the elections and me being settled here. I hope to move this afternoon. Food’L’Doo has passed the mocha test.
It opens at six in the morning so I think I will get up early enough to grab a coffee here before work. I wonder where my project is going…  I think I’ve done okay for being here two weeks. I have started meeting and interviewing people. Hope to contact some more people this week. Guess I’m just nervous, worrying that I won’t have anything to show after six month. Once I’ve settled into my own place and have my transport organised, I think I will feel better. I’m just waffling.
Research scribblings.
So, back to Mainwaring for a sec. Four elements to his analysis of the institutional strength of party systems. 1. Stability: regularity of elections, 2. Ideological consistency: parties are tied to particular groups that share  - more or less – their worldview. Parties rarely move much from these positions because of the risk it would pose to losing the supporter base. 3. Legitimacy: for the most part, is the political arrangement generally accepted by the populace? What kind of resistance is there to it? 4. Do party organisations matter, or are they dependent on leaders – or the relative power and autonomy of parties in vis a vi the leadership caste.
This will be the third presidential poll: 2002, 2007 and 2012. This will be the second parliamentary poll: 2007 and 2012. The poll in 2001 was for the constitutive assembly, which makes the comparison a little tricky but probably at the end of the day reasonable. Still early days I suppose, and there has been societal and political unrest and violence in the past, so the success or otherwise of the polls this year will be very important in testing the strength and stability of the current political and party system.
The social rootedness of parties and ideological consistency is harder to view. The social basis of the parties can be difficult to identify. FRETLIN have stronger roots in the three most eastern districts – due to historical circumstances – the east formed the base for the resistance. ASDT has roots in certain districts in the centre which are home to the Mambai ethno-linguistic group. Voting trends support these general suppositions.
CNRT is new to the political scene. Derived strongly from the force of personality of its leader, Xanana Gusmao. Probably drew much of its support from dissatisfaction of FRETILIN in 2006. CNRT, like FRETILIN drew on imagery, symbols and its brand name which goes back to the resistance. In some ways they share and compete over a group of voters that looked to support the organ that achieved independence. From memory, FRETILN took 58 percent of the vote in 2001. Between them, CNRT and FRETILN took about – hmmm, 39 of 65 seats in 2007. My maths is terrible but my rough calculations indicate that would equal about 60 per cent of the vote. Pretty close.
The question of the influence and role of the Church is interesting. While the vast majority of Timorese are Catholic, at least nominally, this has not translated into a noticeable political movement that pushes for the interests of an active Catholic constituency. Perhaps there has been a drop in the importance of Catholicism in the spiritual lives of Timorese? Or they don’t see their faith being a focal point to mobilise around? During the occupation, the increase in faith is easily to understand. Now, perhaps, its role and significance is somewhat diminished. How deeply Catholicism penetrated the lives of the population is also something to consider. Regardless, the Church in itself still seems to be a strong institution with influence. It has mobilised to defend its interests before, like in 2005 with FRETILIN’s attempt to secularise the school system. Most parties do support the separation of church and state, but their respective visions in regard to this would probably differ. There are one or two small parties but they have not attracted any noticeable support in the polls.
What are the primary points of the debate and what positions are taken concerning them? How are the debated and what appeals are made to the electorate?
Questions of gender? Representation of women, but does it result in greater participation and recognition? What issues do they want to raise? What changes? One third of the party list must be female but it must go beyond symbolism.
The legitimacy of the current political arrangement seems to be trending in the positive. The biggest organisation that does not accept the Republic as it stands is CPD RDTL. I don’t know how much support they have. The major point I think is if groups who lose out in the elections accept it… FRETILIN supporters in the east did not accept the president’s decision in 2007 to appoint a CNRT led government, even though FRETILN won more seats.  Of course, FRETILIN could not form a coalition to form government, the president didn’t really have an alternative. Even small groups within a party, like veterans just for examples sake, that did not like the result… will they accept it?
Finally, parties vs. leaders. This question may be harder to answer. At least until 2017. A transition of leadership will probably occur then. The same old faces will be here in 2012, for the most part. FRETILIN, though it is dominated by Alkatiri, Lu Olo and the Maputo faction, seems to be a real party. It is highly centralised and organised. I suspect it will remain solid and viable after a change of leadership. CNRT is hard to read. It is dominated and run by XG. With more time and experience, it could develop into a real party, if it isn’t already. All of this is based on anecdotal evidence, observations and a few journal articles. It doesn’t have a lot of substance to it yet. The other parties, I am less sure of. Perhaps PD is a real party, but the others are very dependent on leaders and personality politics. This is an area of research that needs more effort and attention.
Maun Evan

Sunday, 19 February 2012
Almost gave the visiting Austraining representative a heart attack last night. He gave me a lift home and the further we got out of the centre of Dili, the more anxious he got. They have expectations about the accommodation we take residence in and this place would not make the grade. He knew I was moving in a couple of days so he left it along with little comment. Additionally, since I was not given a security briefing when I arrived, I was not aware of where they would allow people to stay. He has seen the new place and is satisfied with it.
My current residence isn’t that far out, but for Dili I guess it is. One taxi driver refused to drive out this far. Several taxis I’ve travelled in have massive cracks in their windshields, which, I’ve been told, are the results of rocks being thrown/slung at the taxis. From an Austraining perspective, they have their rationale and concerns about accommodation, which I appreciate. And given the events of 2006, it’s probably fair enough. And given it’s an election year, they are extra sensitive about conditions on the ground and the safety of their volunteers. It’s once things to have read about what happened here, another thing entirely to live here. The atmosphere seems quite relaxed, but being an outsider on my first trip here, I need to be careful and not be complacent. Having said that, I don’t want to be overly cautious and untrusting. It’s a balance I’ll have to sort out. Probably best to be err on the side of caution I suppose.
It feels like there are two sides to Dili. Well, different worlds or paradigm. Life before 8, and life after it. New rules apply. Most of the city shuts down at 8, and things start to get busy and active along the beach road – where all the bars and restaurants operate. Austraining regulations stipulate that there is to be no traveling after 8.30 except if it is in a vehicle. From my conversations with people from overseas, mainly from the volunteers I’ve met, things can get quite hairy after this time. Fortunately there is a special night taxi service available and most people are happy to give lifts in their cars for other at night time. Understand why house parties are so popular. Most bars close at 3 so no partying till dawn. It feels like there is a colonial feel to this arrangement, as by far most people out are from overseas. It is a strange feeling that I am not really comfortable with, and will explore some more in my time here. I am conscious of my quite privileged position here, financially etc, and the asymmetrical nature of the power relationships between most of the local population and the foreign contingent in Dili is palpable. I’m not sure where this is going or what I’m getting at, but I wanted to write about this briefly, even though it’s in an incohate manner.
Week and a half till the presidential elections officially start. Of course, the unofficial campaign has been going on for some time now. Want to make sure I am reasonably prepared for it.
Anything I see flying around in the air is a mosquito. Doesn’t matter how big or small, everything is a mozzie. The Aussie volunteers here are dropping like flies. Seems like on every week is back to Darwin. Feel like I should take a number at this rate. Anytime I feel something move on me, I think it’s a mozzie. Gotta get over it somehow. Two weeks and no sickness yet (knock on wood), just feeling tired from the heat. It’s so warm. Oh gee. Rainy season? Yeah, an hour here, and hour there, maybe once three times a week. Just enough to get my washing wet (again). What a whinger I am.
That’s enough. Catchya later.
Maun Evan

Saturday, 18 February

Purchased my scooter today. On the way to Food’L’Do, drove past the cavalcade of the President, Jose Ramos Horta. Pretty unspectacular, a small security detail behind the rather strange vehicle he is seen driving around in. It’s a small blue coloured car, mostly opened aired, very low to the ground. Hard to miss. I met him in 2006, must have been before the crisis, when he was Foreign Minister. He came to ANU and I made an effort to introduce myself in Tetun. Recall he was impressed, can’t imagine he would remember the moment of course.
Food’L’Do is a great little place. Best coffee I’ve had here so far – must check out RnR as well apparently. Had a cooper’s pale ale; so good. Great fent ood too.
Few thoughts have been buzzing around regarding my research. Have to mention first that I finally got a security briefing – of a very informal nature – yesterday. Guy from Austraining caught me up with a whole bunch of stuff. It’s their job to worry and of course will be concerned about the potential for unrest during the elections. I was aware of the potential for trouble but they’ve now got me paranoid that it will actually happen. Their concerns aren’t based on anything concrete happening now, it’s just been developed from previous experience. I guess anything is possible and I’ve got a pretty good idea what to do if there are any problems. Austraining seem pretty organised and they will keep me in the loop on a regular basis for stuff going on.
Further adding to my paranoia is the Dengue outbreak. They’ve even got ads running on TV about it. Very sensible of course. But I just keep hearing about it and people keep on going to hospital or getting sent to Darwin with it. Yikes.
Back to research issues. My supervisor reminded me that this is just phase one of my fieldwork. I intend to make another trip later next year. While following the elections for the next six months is not to be missed, I won’t get all my data now. Sometimes I feel that I need to get everything and understand the whole story ASAP – or ever. Not going to happen. Forget about it.
I still don’t know for sure who I will meet and interview. I’ll just do my best. No way to predict it and I will just have to work with who I can access. I have research questions but during the course of an interview, all sorts of new stuff comes up. It’s frustrating and exciting at the same time. New avenues of exploration require even more – I’m aware my current project is already too big - work and they may not go anywhere. But in this early phase I think it’s worth taking a broader view for a little while. Six months is long enough, assuming it all goes smoothly here, to get probably enough material to write a thesis. But maybe not the thesis I want to write. A second trip will be necessary if this it too happen.
Talking and networking is a long term commitment. Relationships with people here need time to really build and for trust to develop. As much as I want to dive in the deep end, I need to probably take things more slowly and gradually accrue a network of people who I can talk to about the questions I’m interested in. This blog is such a ramble, excuse me for indulging in a rather scrappy writing style.
Word of mouth and oral traditions seem to be very important here. I think a focus on stories and narrative analysis will be a major presence in my research considerations. I’m also trying to keep up a regular database of articles in newspapers here.
I’m moving into a new place on Monday/Tuesday. It’s kinda south and up a hill. Beautiful view. The study overlooks the beach and city. I think I will do a lot of work from home – it will be cooler in the house. Not getting a TV, at least not at this stage. Photos to follow shortly. I’ve got a spare bedroom, and a comfy couch, if anyone wants to visit.
Right, better finish my coffee and make like a tree. Wearing out my welcome, more people want to take a seat. Will want to talk more about some theoretical ideas/concepts. Just read thick description by Geertz, gonna need another read, it’s kinda dense. Testing the institutional strength of parties here might also be an option, Scott Mainwaring wrote a piece that could be useful.
I’m outta here, until next time.
Cheers, Maun Evan

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Visit to a Presidential Campaign Office

Tuesday, 14 Feb. I arranged to visit the campaign headquarters of one of the major candidates for President, Taur Matan Ruak (TMR), along with my friend Carmen. The visit was facilitated and hosted by one of the coordinators for TMR’s campaign, Fidelis . The HQ is at the Fundasun dos Veteranos (Veterans Foundation), Taibessi, Dili. I think they have rented the entire series of buildings at the foundation for the purposes of running the campaign. The veterans would be associated with the old FALINTIL organization, which TMR was in charge of during the mid or late 1990’s – I could certainly be wrong about this, I'll need to check. And he only recently retired as head of the armed forces - F-FDTL - at the rank of general.
A campaign poster features prominently at the front of the entrance to the main offices. TMR’s office is separate from this structure; it is located on its own. The main building hosts the coordinators of the campaign along with the associated office that handle various aspects of the campaign. There is a big office designed for consultation with the media and access for journalists to the internet/wireless. We were introduced to a number of people responsible for running the office, I will need to check, but I suspect they were the other two coordinators of the campaign. The atmosphere of the place was very open and convivial.
Going back to the main campaign poster, one of the first things that stands out is that TMR is wearing his military – FALINTIL, not F-FDTL – uniform.

My rough translation of the messages on the banner are:
Uluk ba fakar ran, Imi Iha Oin, Hisik Kosar, Iha fali kotuk
First to spill blood, You at the front, working hard, sweating, at the back/behind again, to support (me?).
Uluk ho Imi, fakar ran, ba ukun an. Fila fali ho Imi, hisik kosar ba moris diak.
First with you all, to spill blood, to independence, return with you all, work hard/sweat to live well/good life.

There goes the neighbourhood

Some of the kids that live nearby. We play football sometimes on the road. Evryone wants to be on my team. Can't imagine why... seriously, I am dead slow, and they have a much better centre of gravity.

Photos from Darwin

Wednesday, 1st February. Dinner with Jenny, Howard, Sierra and Harriet on the pier. Lovely fish and chips. Beautiful day, sun came out for long enough that evening, thanks everyone!:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Catching up on old posts

Wednesday 8 February 2012
So, three days into my research.  I got lost the first day.I’ve been able to get a local licence for a car, based on my Aussie driver’s licence, but my intention to get a bike has been temporally put on ice. Will have to go through a workshop and test before that happens.
Will have to go clothes shopping for work. Might be a bit of a challenge finding appropriate clothes for a person of my size but we’ll see. Apparently the biggest challenge will be work shoes.
At the moment I am spending my time doing regular language studies. My Indonesian is coming in useful sporadically. I prefer to speak Tetum but if I’m in a jam, Indonesian seems to work. Tetum is coming along, unfortunately most of the TV is in Indonesian.
Also been catching up on a lot of reading and finalising the second draft of my research proposal. Only two weeks late. Sorry Ed… you’re probably not reading this but if you are, I guess I’m busted.
I will check tomorrow about setting up a blog at work.
I am paranoid about mozzies. I have got Malaria and Dengue on the brain, not literally though. I am convinced I will catch something here. Haven’t had any stomach problems yet. Maybe I’ve developed some resistance with my two years in Indonesian. The strange dreams have stopped for the moment. Phew. My ear infection is slowly clearing up. Yah!
I’ve checked out the Hotel Timor so far but haven’t hit the bars here yet. Partly cause I was sick, partly no need to rush into it. Going to try out One More Bar tomorrow. Very close to work. I’m meeting an Austrian who is doing fieldwork here too. His topic is different fortunately but it will be good to network and meet new people too. There’s a cocktail party that work is organising for Friday, ostensibly for Valentines Day. Hope it’s not too mushy, just coming by myself.
Wow, almost a page. Ok, that’ll do.
Maun Evan

Sunday 5 February 2012
I have been in Dili for three days. I am writing this in anticipation of eventually setting up a blog; at this stage I am not sure when and how this will happen but I am confident it will happen. I decided to start writing while these thoughts are still fresh in my mind.
Friday felt like forever – 3 February. An early start and flight; a tough start which only exacerbated the illness I had developed over the preceding weekend I assume. I was more organised than last time but I was still pushing things pretty close to the wire in terms of moving, cleaning, and packing. Perhaps screaming along to Soundgarden (twice), Kasabian and Noel Gallagher – plus an epic karaoke session -was the catalyst for the ear infection…? But it was worth it; no regrets.
Flying into Darwin was not straightforward. The flight was delayed by over an hour and I was beginning to feel quite unwell. On our descent into Darwin, I began to feel like someone had hammered a nail into my right ear.
A big shout out for Jenny and Howard Bath, who took me in. Thank you so much for letting me crash with you. Had a great time catching up and checking out Darwin. I could see myself moving there one day, it really is a beautiful city.
I was greeted on my arrival in Dili by my friend Jose, it’s so nice to get picked up at the airport, and he has helped enormously in my efforts to get settled. I’ve now got a modem for my laptop and a local mobile, among many other things, thanks to his assistance. Thank you so much.
I am settled in with the brother, Jorge, of my friend Carmen. They set up a nice room with a comfortable bed and fan. Again, I am very grateful for their help and hospitality. It’s not too far from work and the centre of Dili. I am only just beginning to explore the city but it has a nice feel to it. It really is beautiful. I am still working out my transport options, maybe a scooter kind of thing or a bicycle, though I don’t think it would be too hard to walk and taxi my time here either.
It can get very warm here and staying cool and hydrated will be very important. I am being disciplined with the use of repellent; I’m a bit paranoid about malaria and dengue fever. Taking anti-malaria medication every day. I’ve heard that side-effects may include strange dreams. The last two nights I have had bizarre dreams, which I won’t get into, but I’ll wait and see. If that’s the only side-effect, I think I will put up with strange dreams for six months.
First day of work tomorrow. I have some clothes for work but I will need to buy some more, while a haircut is in order. Gonna go quite short, makes life easier to manage and will be more comfortable. I’m also playing street soccer with the kids who live in the same street, we all love it! Oh yeah, everyone here wears football jerseys. Mostly Barcelona. I’d like to play here, along with some other recreational activities when I get the chance. I think I’ll leave it here. At this stage this will be pretty informal and unstructured, this blog I mean. I’ll see where it goes.
Cheers, Maun Evan

Follow up on yesterday's demo

Heard that the demo, which rallied in a football field, numbered around 600 people.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012